Sunday, October 1, 2017

Now We're in the Air -- snapshots of Louise Brooks from Pordenone, Italy

As Louise Brooks fans hopefully know by now,  the once lost 1927 Brooks' film Now We're in the Air has been found -- or at least 23 minutes of it. That surviving material was restored by film preservationist Robert Byrne (with the assistance of Thomas Gladysz / Louise Brooks Society), and will be shown tomorrow, Monday October 2, at the Pordenone Silent Film Festival in Italy. Live piano accompaniment will be given by John Sweeney.

Further information about this special screening can be found HERE. Also, don't fail to read Jay Weissberg's program essay on the film, which can be found HERE. (It mentions the LBS.)

Excitement is building at the Festival, and a few snapshots have been sent to me evidencing Louise Brooks "presence" at the event. Pamela Hutchinson (author of the forthcoming book on Pandora's Box from the BFI) sent this snapshot of the book / merchandise table, where copies of my new book, Beggars of Life: A Companion to the 1928 Film are on sale next to some rather nifty Pordenone mugs.

And that's not the only Louise Brooks merchandise from this year's Pordenone Silent Film Festival (also known as the Giornate del Cinema Muto.) Rob Byrne, who sent the above image of the information table with the Louise Brooks background, also sent me this image of the Festival tote bag, which is also pretty nifty.

I have heard from Jordon Young that Louise Brooks also appears on the cover of the program, which I have yet to see. (The programs were late to arrive to the Festival because the schedule was onbly closed a few days ago.) I wish I could have been there. To close this entry, I'll add this image of a poster for the Festival. As best I know, this was not printed, but can be found floating around online.

p.s. Check out this Italian article, "Louise Brooks, la divina: un inedito alle Giornate del Cinema Muto di Pordenone," about Louise Brooks and the Festival.

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