Friday, September 30, 2016

Louise Brooks and other stars celebrated in Bologna

Louise Brooks is the cover girl for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the IL CINEMA RITROVATO de Bologne. For more information please visit THIS LINK. The celebration runs through October 18, 2016.

According to the  IL CINEMA RITROVATO website: "Il Cinema Ritrovato is turning thirty this year. It’s been thirty long and yet fast years: memories of our first pioneering editions, when brave film archivists would bring their treasures to our historic, single-screen Lumière theater, are still fresh in our mind. Today it takes five screens to show all the films and Piazza Maggiore can hardly contain our increasingly international, enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience. We want to celebrate our festival with all the love and warmth it deserves, and toast with gratitude to all those who contributed to make Il Cinema Ritrovato grow so rapidly and impetuously and to be recognized and cherished around the world. And so we will celebrate, in every theater with all the archivists, critics, historians, artists, film-lovers and friends who will join us to present their work, share experiences and simply watch films. We will celebrate with our time-machine journey, back to 1896 and from there across the entire 20th century; and with a space machine that will take us on a journey across European, Latin-American, US, Asian and African films. This year’s edition will be full of certainties and surprises: eight days of screenings in five theaters, from morning till night; eight nights in the world’s most extraordinary cinema in the world, Piazza Maggiore, and three in the magic intimacy of Piazzetta Pasolini; over four hundred films and twenty programs; over a hundred and fifty silent films with live music accompaniment and talented composers."

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