Friday, July 15, 2016

Stacks of Brooks

I was tidying up my bookshelves the other day when I decided to snap a few picture of my many Louise Brooks and Louise Brooks-related book. Here are a few of those snapshots.

The core collection, the books at the heart of the matter.

Editions of Lulu in Hollywood from around the world.
Not pictured is the rare Russian edition which credits the Louise Brooks Society!

Photoplay editions and novelizations, including a rare Empty Saddles.

The copy of Beggars of Life on the far left once belonged to Colleen Moore.

A few more oversized books, including City Girls, with Brooks on the cover.

Most of my Denishawn related books, including copies signed by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn.

If I need to take my books somewhere, I cane use this nifty Lulu tote bag, featuring art
by William Kentridge.

My tote bag is a limited edition from last year, when William Kentridge staged Lulu at the Met.

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