Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Graphic Novel on Silent Film Star Louise Brooks!

On May 18th, a new graphic novel about Louise Brooks will be published in France. I haven't yet received a copy, but expect to soon. Nevertheless, from what I've seen, it looks great!

The book, titled Louise, le venin du scorpion, features a scénario by Chantal Van den Heuvel and art by Joël Alessandra. Copies are available for purchase through the publisher's webpage, on, and elsewhere.

I found out about the book by coming across this just published interview with the author and artist, "Joël Alessandra avec Chantal Van Den Heuvel sur les traces de la mythique Louise Brooks," on the Ligne Flaire website. Be sure and check it out, and use your Chrome browser to translate if you don't read French.

More about the artist, Joël Alessandra, can be found on his website. More about the author, Chantal Van den Heuvel, can be found on her website, as well as on this Europe Comics webpage (in English).

The book is described as a "biography of an icon of the Roaring Twenties." This bit of poignant prose serves as a preface:

Tu étais la beauté, l'esprit, la grâce incarnés. Et ton jeu était sublime.
Pourtant, un seul film, Loulou, aura marqué ta carrière.
Hollywood, « l'inhumaine usine à films », t'a très vite blacklistée.
Parce que tu en refusais les règles ? Sans doutes...
Mais aussi, tu disais de toi-même : « Je suis le poignard de ma propre plaie ».

Pourquoi, Louise ? 

And here, courtesy of the the publisher's webpage, are a few pages from this new work. I encourage everyone to order a copy today!

Check this blog in two days for another BIG Louise Brooks graphic novel announcement!

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