Sunday, November 29, 2015

Follow the Louise Brooks Society on Social Media

The Louise Brooks Society website was launched in 1995. That makes it something of an internet pioneer. The LBS was the first Louise Brooks website, and one of the earliest sites devoted to any actor or actress. With a goal of stimulating interest in her life and films, the LBS has always sought new ways of getting the word out.

One of its earliest efforts at reaching fans was through posting messages on bulletin board systems (BBS), listserves, newsgroups (Usenet), and on AOL and Prodigy, back when they were dominant. The earliest archived newsgroup post mentioning the Louise Brooks Society, from October 27, 1995, announces the website. Another, a query from the LBS asking about a screening of Pandora’s Box in Poland, dates to January 29, 1996. These posts, which can still be read, are now part of the Usenet Archive.

The LBS was an early adopter of social media, even before the term existed. In the past, it has had its own message board, Yahoo Group, page, email newsletter, and still lingering MySpace account. The LBS started blogging in 2002, first on LiveJournal and then on Blogger. Between them, there are thousands of blog posts, most of which now reside on the LBS blog at The LBS blog is a member of various blogger affiliations, including the Classic Movie Blog Association and LAMB (Large Ass Movie Blogs).

The same year that the LBS began blogging, it also jumped on the internet music bandwagon and launched its own online radio station on Live365. Since 2002, RadioLulu has been streaming Louise Brooks-inspired, silent film themed music of the 1920s, 1930s, and today. Thousands have tuned-in and “liked” its broadcast.

The LBS joined Twitter in January 2009, and has tweeted thousands of time. The LBS Facebook page goes back to 2010. It has been “liked” thousands of times as well, and there are many postings. The LBS joined YouTube in 2013. Check it out to see what videos can be found there.

Follow the Louise Brooks Society

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