Sunday, September 6, 2015

Louise Brooks Society celebrates 20 years on the web #1

This Fall, the Louise Brooks Society celebrates 20 years on the web. Launched in 1995, the LBS was a pioneer among silent film websites, and today it remains the #1 source for all things Lulu. Pictured below is LBS founder Thomas Gladysz at "LBS Headquarters" in 1997. How many images of Louise Brooks can you spot in this photograph? The answer is hidden just below the picture.


Twenty years is a long time to be on the internet…. The first media the website received was in May, 1996 when USA Today named the LBS a “Hot Site”, stating “Silent-film buffs can get a taste of how a fan club from yesteryear plays on the Web…. It also draws an international audience.” In 1996, the LBS was named one of the five best sites devoted to actresses by Net Directory, an English computer magazine. And in 1998, Wired ran a feature on the site, “Fan Site Sparks Biopic“. 

Mosaic, the first web browser, recognized an early incarnation of the LBS by including it on its “What’s New” page on June 27, 1996. The LBS was similarly honored by Netscape, another early browser. The earliest archived LBS homepage, now part of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, dates to April 11, 1997.

The first Internet honor the LBS received was a four-slate rating (best possible) from the North Carolina Institute of Film Arts. Since then, the LBS received numerous designations, including inclusion on Yahoo’s “Desert Island List” in November, 1996. The LBS is especially proud to have been named a recommended site by the online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

This site was also included in the Art & Music Pavilion of the Internet 1996 World Exposition, a “world’s fair for the information age”. The LBS has, as well, been named a “Celebrity Site of the Day” and “Hollywood Site of the Week”.

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Louise Brooks Society is soliciting short essays from the actresses' many fans asking them to describe how and when they first came across Louise Brooks, and what the actress means to them. The length of the piece is up to the writer, with the only requirement being that it be detailed and individualized. Pieces that range from short anecdotes to full fledged compositions are welcome.

Selected submissions will be run here on the Louise Brooks Society blog, and the best piece (in the eyes of the LBS) will be awarded some Louise Brooks swag - like the just released KINO Diary of a Lost Girl Blu-ray bundled together with a signed copy of the Louise Brooks edition of The Diary of a Lost Girl (PandorasBox Press). The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2015 with the prize awarded later that month (before Christmas). Send submissions to

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