Thursday, July 2, 2015

Louise Brooks: Greetings from Poland, part 6

A continuation of the previous five posts, the results of my look through online Polish archives in search of any and all Louise Brooks clippings or advertisements. Here is some more of the material I found. Enjoy.

This captioned photograph is typical of the kind found on the picture page of some Polish newspapers. The caption below the portrait of Brooks reads "Piekna aktorka filmowa Luiza Brooks", which translates as "Beautiful actress Louise Brooks".

Above is a typical column running news bits from Hollywood. It leads with a bit about a film called Zycie paryskie, which I am confident is God's Gift to Women, which starred Laura LaPlante (and Frank Fay). I don't know that it was ever shown in Poland (at least under that title), as I have yet to find any other reference to it.

Above is a nice assortment of ads, from 1930. All the biggest stars are mentioned, Garbo, Dietrich, Chaney, Valentino, and even Larry Semon. Notice the ad with the double bill of a George Bancroft film and an Esther Ralston film. The latter may be for American Venus (1926), which starred Ralston and featured Louise Brooks in her first credited role. I can't be sure. And have not been able to align that title with any other reference. While searching, however, I did come across this appealing cover for the satirical humor magazine Kabaret.

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