Friday, December 12, 2014

Mark Tansey painting features Louise Brooks?

Back on December 12, 2004, the New York Times ran a half-page spread on the highly regarded contemporary painter Mark Tansey and a recent work of his entitled "West Face." (Click here to read the article and see an image of the painting.) 

According to the article, " 'West Face' appears to be a suavely rendered picture of a band of hikers trudging up a snowy mountainside. But look closely, and you'll find a landscape treacherous with puzzles, paradoxes, hidden images and allusions." 

Among the hidden images, reportedly, are portraits of various philosophers, and, of Louise Brooks. I see the portraits (including the one that is supposedly Brooks), but I don't quite recognize the actress. What do you think?

Hey Mark Tansey, did you put Louise Brooks face in your painting?

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