Thursday, November 6, 2014

Comic book character modeled after Louise Brooks

The Comic Book Resources website ran an interview with Denis St. John, creator of the Amelie comic book. And in the interview, the artist was asked:

You mentioned that you wanted Amelia to look like a femme fatale or silent film star, and I kept thinking of Louise Brooks.

Yeah, Louise Brooks or Theda Bara. She starts off the book looking more like a normal person than when it ends. There's a physical and mental transformation that happens when you're around these objects. For some, you become a Nosferatu. Amelia starts the book wearing a hoodie and looking like a person you would interact with in the normal world, and she ends as a vamp.

This homage to Louise Brooks represents one of a number of comic book nods to the actress going all the way back to the 1920s.

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