Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Tiger Lillies CD 'Lulu - A Murder Ballad' coming in 2014

The new Tiger Lillies CD Lulu - A Murder Ballad is set for release in 2014, according the musical group's website. "In the new year The Tiger Lillies will premiere a new show 'Lulu - A Murder Ballad' which will tour in the UK. Inspired by the classic film Pandora's Box (starring Louise Brooks) and Berg's opera Lulu, the show features a whole new cycle of songs, stunning virtual sets by Mark Holthusen (who also created The Ancient Mariner with the band) and is produced by Opera North. Please check the TOUR section of the site for the dates. A CD of the music will be released in conjunction with the premiere of the show."

"The character of Lulu is one of the great creations of 20th Century fiction, and one of its most disturbing. Her unbridled sex appeal, her youth, and her self-destructiveness combine to make her dangerous, unpredictable and tragic. With the men (and the women) who circle her, Lulu’s journey from street prostitute to the toast of Society and back again, is told as a hypnotic and kaleidoscopic dance of death. Journey with her from Berlin to Paris and finally to the dark London streets of Jack The Ripper. 
The band’s flamboyant live performance is enhanced by large-scale virtual sets that create an immersive and richly atmospheric environment. Across 20 songs and interludes, the ballad of Lulu unfolds as an uncompromising musical and visual melodrama."
Written by Martyn Jacques.
Directed and Designed by Mark Holthusen.
Performed by The Tiger Lillies and Laura Caldow. Based on Frank Wedekind’s plays,
Earth Spirit (1895) and Pandora’s Box (1904)
Commissioned by Opera North Projects

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