Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ever read This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the great chronicler of the Jazz Age in America? It is a terrific novel by the author of The Great Gatsby.

First published in 1920, This Side of Paradise has been described as perhaps the best debut novel by any author in American literary history.

For those who aren't aware, Louise Brooks was acquainted with Fitzgerald, and wrote of having seen him on a couple of occasions.

Sign up for Simon & Schuster's mailing list and you can read the definitive authorized edition of This Side of Paradise as a free eBook! (Or choose from some other great titles.) Use code fitzfb at the following webpage to redeem your free book http://bit.ly/1636f9M

Attention fans of the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. You are invited  to visit a new website, www.ScottandZelda.com, to see an illustrated timeline of their lives and find other resources related to the the leading literary couple of the Roaring Twenties.


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