Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CNN on how Louise Brooks inspired Gatsby actress

CNN has an interesting article about how flapper era women inspired the actresses in the recently released Baz Luhrmann film, The Great Gatsby. The new source asked actresses Carey Mulligan, Isla Fisher and Elizabeth Debicki who gave them inspiration for their characters. The actresses mentioned F. Scott Fitzgerald's own love interests Ginevra King and Zelda Sayre, along with actresses Clara Bow and Louise Brooks. The piece notes:
Louise Brooks was another great actress of the silent movie era, best known for her films "Pandora's Box" and "Diary of a Lost Girl", both filmed in Germany in 1929.
Among the first to sport a bobbed haircut, it was Brooks who inspired the Australian actress Elizabeth Debicki, playing "The Great Gatsby" character Jordan Baker in the film.
"She is just fierce, wonderful, intelligent, and I read a lot about her," said Debicki. "She really typified that woman who appeared in the 1920s, completely independent and, like Gatsby, she built herself up, created the image she wanted.
"I had photos of her in my kitchen, everywhere. When I woke up in the morning I would look at Louise Brooks."

For more on Louise Brooks and F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby, scroll down to check out earlier blog posts.

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