Saturday, December 22, 2012

Louise Brooks on Twitter

The Louise Brooks Society has been on Twitter for more than a couple years, and has garnered more than 1,333 followers. The LBS Twitter account can be found at

Want to know what folks are saying about Louise Brooks and the LBS on Twitter? To do so, follow this link     Here are a few recent examples:

I was about to bemoan the lack of Louise Brooks on BBC 4's "Screen Goddesses" but they left her until the very end! Whoo! 

BBC 'Arena' doc on Screen Goddesses got better. Nice to see Anna May Wong,but was sad no Louise Brooks..THEN they had her brilliantly end it 

Screen Goddesses documentary on BBC4 has convinced me Louise Brooks is the most beautiful woman who's ever lived. 

Louise Brooks, making Christmas cooler than ever...  

Why not join the Louise Brooks Society with this YouTube clip of a Tour Around Berlin In 1929?

G.W. Pabst's Diary Of A Lost Girl (1929), a Louise Brooks classic and a much treasured film from the Weimar days

Louise Brooks and Colleen Moore are my role model. Hairstyle that i currently obsessed with and adopted. ☺ #

the Louise Brooks Society sounds off: "easily the actress' best talkie."

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