Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zooey Deschanel: "I love a Louise Brooks bob!"

US Weekly reported that popular New Girl actress Zooey Deschanel, known for sporting bangs, declared in a recent interview, "If I could cut my hair today I totally would. I love a Louise Brooks bob!" Deschanel's shout-out to the silent film star has been all over the web.

According to BellaSugar, where the story first ran, Deschanel is known for her love of "all things vintage." And now, according to US Weekly, "For her hair inspiration, Zooey Deschanel is looking to the past -- rather than the latest trends.

We here at the Louise Brooks Society would love to see Deschanel in a Louise Brooks bob. Who wouldn't? She would look smashing. The idea of Deschanel as a Louise Brooks type as come up before, even in the pages of the Los Angeles Times. But really, Deschanel seems more the Clara Bow type. Don't you think? And a bob on Deschanel might just turn this New Girl into today's "It Girl."

1 comment:

annamissed said...

Zooey reminds me more of Colleen Moore in say, Orchids and Ermine - cute as a bug and subtly comedic. She's probably also a clever business woman like Colleen.

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