Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And the Oscar for best hair goes to Louise Brooks

According to the New York Times, and according to Ted Gibson - who has been campaigning for a "Best Hair" award, none other than Louise Brooks should have won the first Oscar for "Best Hair." In "Hairstyles Worthy of an Oscar Nod,"  Catherine Saint Louis stated
“The Show Off” (1926), starring Louise Brooks (it actually predates the first Oscars in 1929). “Women then weren’t wearing haircuts — they wore sets, waved hair,” he said, but her straight haircut with bangs to her cheekbones “changed the course of how women wear their hair, it introduced women to a new way of thinking.”
Louise Brooks is also pictured in the article. Check it out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brooks would have nominated Lillian Gish for "The Wind" (1928).

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