Monday, November 8, 2010

Margaret Livingston

Margaret Livingston, one of the stars of Sunrise, as photographed by Melbourne Spurr. 

Livingston bore a slight resemblance to Louise Brooks, and dubbed the voice of Brooks in The Canary Murder Case (1929). In 1931, she married the band leader Paul Whiteman, and retired from film acting in 1934. This image is for sale on eBay.


Unknown said...

love it... always liked her.
she was also aboard william randolph hearst's yacht, the oneida- when thomas ince died under mysterious circumstances...

vincent, in buffalo

Unknown said...
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annamissed said...


Does anyone know about the letter from Louise to "Leah" that's currently on e-bay? Seems that if its authentic (is it?) that it encapsulates much of what she was, and interestingly, her views on the film industry that begin to outline her political philosophy - gotta love the last line in the letter. Any help in regards to context, authenticity, signature proof, etc. would be greatly appreciated.


annamissed said...

Also in passing, you can click on my name to see/read recent postings on art from the twenties (as they relate to modernity&and current culture clashes) along with my own artwork (several portraits of Louise on second page). Feedback always appreciated.

Also would like to screenshoot the letter and post it with some commentary - if it is authentic, soo.


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