Sunday, June 13, 2010

A bit more about Diary of a Lost Girl

Yesterday, I received finished copies of my new "Louise Brooks edition" of The Diary of a Lost Girl, by Margarete Böhme. I think it looks great. I am pleased. Should anyone care to purchase a copy, the book is for sale at There, you can even check out some sample pages.

I also recently received my first blurb! It's from film biographer and silent film historian Lon Davis, the author of Silent Lives and King of the Movies: Francis X. Bushman. Davis said:

"Thomas Gladysz is the leading authority on all matters pertaining to the legendary Louise Brooks. We owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing the groundbreaking novel, The Diary of a Lost Girl - the basis of Miss Brooks's classic 1929 film - back from obscurity. It remains a fascinating work."

1 comment:

Emily said...

A beautiful volume...I look forward to picking up a copy, hopefully soon.

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