Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Creamer tops issued in Switzerland

This always amuses me when ever I come across it. Pictured above is a set of contemporary creamer tops issued in Switzerland by Floralp. It is currently for sale on eBay. 

These are foil tops from the small plastic milk / cream pots used in restaurants. This set carries pictures of famous movie stars on the front - including Marilyn Monroe, Louise Brooks, Errol Flynn, John Wayne, Judy Garland, Steve McQueen, Vivien Leigh, and Clark Gable. The reverse side of each top carries the name of a film the actor or actress appeared in.

Louise Brooks appeared in films with two of the stars pictured above. Do you know which two? She also may have had an affair with another. . . .


Disposable Darling said...

I know one of them is John Wayne, but I can't think of the other.

Did she possibly have an affair with Humphrey Bogart?

Unknown said...

Cary Grant, sorta! :)

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