Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scottish Screen Archive puts clips online

For those who like this kind of thing, the Scottish Screen Archive has placed a catalog of its holdings online. And what's more, there are many film clips available for online viewing. The site is available at

Actually, the site is a catalog of Scottish films. You can browse the catalog by place, subject, biography, or decade (the clips go back to the 1890s, though most of the clips seem to be from the 1950s and 1960s). Or, you can search by other factors. You can also limit your search to those results which have clips, and/or those clips to which the Library has copyright or can clear copyright.

The catalog pages for each film are extensive. In addition to name, date, length, etc..., there’s also an extensive listing with time markers. Clips are embedded on the right side of the page. There are descriptions for those clips as well. Most of the catalog pages have multiple clips available. Underneath the embedded clips are copyright notifications and suggestions — based on topic — for other film catalog pages which might prove interesting. Though Louise Brooks is not to be found, the site is well worth checking out.

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