Wednesday, September 12, 2007


If you were asked what was one of your favorite things, what would you say? Cheese, ice cream, oatmeal cookies, the beach, the music of Kate Bush? I was asked that very question recently. And I answered "Louise Brooks."

The occasion was an author event with Kiara Brinkman. This widely acclaimed debut novelist read from Up High in the Trees, which was published in July. Kiara read from her novel, and during the signing afterword everyone who lined up to get their book autographed was asked what were their favorite things. Polaroids were taken, and the answers recorded. To see the results,   [ Once you are at the author's site, click on "Favorites." And then click through seven times. I am in the upper left hand corner. Click on "thomas" to see my response - "Louise Brooks."  ]

If you are looking for something good to read, check out Kiara Brinkman's Up High in the Trees. I recommend it. And it's been getting some great reviews.

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