Sunday, July 23, 2006

More in Film of the Golden Age

The previous issue of Films of the Golden Age contained an illustrated article on Louise Brooks (by the acclaimed children's book author Jan Wahl). I hope everyone got a copy. It's a swell article.

The current issue, dated Summer 2006, contains three references to the actress, or her films. The first is a letter to the editor by author Dan Navarro commenting on Wahl's piece. The second is an article on Hollywood's Geraghty family. Thomas Geraghty co-wrote the screenplay for the 1926 Brooks' film It's the Old Army Game, and Brooks was acquianted with his wife, actress Carmelita (though that is not mentioned). The third reference comes in an interview with author Richard Lamparski, author of the well known Whatever Became of . . . ? series of books. In the interview, Lamparski comments, "I couldn't have used any of them in the old series. People didn't want to know the things in these stories about their stars. Louise Brooks told me that people don't want the truth about the stars." Lamparski had profiled Brooks in the third book in the series.

[ The magazine also contains an advertisement for a new book on Ford Sterling, who appeared in two films with Brooks. I am looking forward to that book. ]

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