Friday, January 27, 2006

Some more interesting citations

I went to the library today (as I seem to do every week) to collect my inter-library loans and to continue my (seemingly never ending) search for new material on Louise Brooks. I came up with some interesting citations.

In search of material on the November, 1922 appearance by the Denishawn dance company in Ripon, I borrowed microfilm of the Ripon College Days - whose masthead claims it to be "the oldest college newspaper in Wisconsin." Though only a weekly from a small college, the paper ran an article in advance of the Denishawn appearance, as well as a thoughtful, front-page review afterward. "Storms of Applause Praise Work of Denishawn Dancers," by an anonymous student, is one of more considered and detailed reviews I have come across. It even quotes remarks Ruth St. Denis gave in a talk before a small group who gathered after the performance!

I requested Ripon College Days because it was the only newspaper I could find for this small Wisconsin town dating from the 1920's. I am not sure if there was a city paper. Nevertheless, this review is only the second (or third?) college newspaper review I have so far come across, the other being from the University of Michigan student newspaper. The Denishawn tour took them to a handful of college campuses. I will try to track down other college newspaper reviews, should they exist.

I also looked at the Hamilton Spectator, from Ontario, Canada. I found a number of articles and reviews relating to the March, 1922 and April, 1924 Denishawn performances. In 1924, Louise Brooks and the Denishawn company performed on two consecutive nights in Hamilton. And interestingly, the local paper reviewed each performance. "Denishawn Dancers A Delight to the Eye: They Gave One of the Most Charming Performances Ever Seen on a Local Stage at Grand Last Night" was followed by "Second Evening a Rare Delight: Denishawn Dancers Again Enraptured Audience at Grand Last Night." Together, these clippings make for one of the very few instances I know of when a local paper reviewed each performance of an engagement.

I also borrowed microfilm of the Hamilton Spectator dating from early 1926. And luckily, I uncovered a few clippings regarding the screening of The American Venus at the local Pantages theater. And so, slowly, I am building up the number of film-related clippings from Canada. . . .  Tomorrow, I have the opportunity to head to Sacramento and once again visit the California State Library, where I shall continue my survey of California newspapers. A report will follow.

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