Thursday, August 18, 2005

Back to Berkeley

Returned to the University of California, Berkeley where I spent the afternoon scrolling through microfilm. I looked at another year's worth of El Mercurio, from Santiago, Chile. Found an article and ads for Medias Enrolladas (aka Rolled Stockings), as well as ads for Reclutas por los Aires (aka Now We're in the Air) and La Ciudad del Mal (aka The City Gone Wild). That completes my survey of this South American newspaper. I then jumped continents and scanned some months of Neue Freie Presse from Vienna, Austria. I found a great ad and a long 1929 review of Die Buchse der Pandora. Very exciting! When I return next week, I plan to look at some more of Neue Freie Presse, as well as hopefully complete my survey of La Prensa (from Buenos Airies, Argentina). Next week's visit will be my last to Berkeley for at least a couple of years, as the library is set to undergo earthquake retrofitting.

One oddity I came across in Neue Freie Presse was this 1928 ad for Clara Bow's 1927 film, Hula - curiously renamed Die Lulu von Honolulu(aka The Lulu from Honolulu). It always interesting to see the titles films take on when shown overseas.

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