Wednesday, December 29, 2004

This week at the SFPL

Two inter-library loans were waiting for me at the San Francisco Public Library. I looked through the Charleston Evening Post, where I found articles and advertisements for three of Louise Brooks films, as well as an article on the 1923 Denishawn performance in that South Carolina town. I also scanned a few months of the Buffalo Courier-Express, where I found three film reviews. This article also turned up in Courier-Express.
A couple of years ago, I went through back issues of Time magazine, which the SFPL has on microfilm. Back then, by scrolling through the years, I was able to uncover a few film reviews. Recently, however, Time put their archives online. These archives, which are searchable by keyword, date back to 1923. I took the opportunity to search for "Louise Brooks," "Denishawn," "George White Scandals," "Zeigfeld Follies," and various film titles. After noting the results (one has to pay to read the articles at the Time archive), I returned to the SFPL microfilm where I found a few more articles and reviews which were unknown to me. Among the more interesting items was a 1979 article regarding the Santa Fe Opera staging of Alban Berg's Lulu, which noted that "During rehearsals, the cast screened Louise Brooks' Lulu in the 1928 silent film of Wedekind's Pandora's Box."

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