Monday, February 16, 2004

More about Neve from Liz

This bit ran in Liz Smith's Newsday column yesterday, which was subtitled "A Role That's a Lulu."

"Speaking of today's beauties looking to the past for inspiration, Neve Campbell, who made her mark in TV's Party of Five and in the Scream films, has a new project lined up, Lulu, about the great silent star Louise Brooks (Pandora's Box is her most  famous film). Brooks' close-cut, bobbed hair became the rage, but she was too smart, too restless, too much of an iconoclast to fit comfortably into Hollywood life. She quit films to read, paint and write -  books and film criticism. She died in 1985. Campbell, a serious, intense actress, with a similarly  independent spirit, would make a fine Louise."

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