Friday, October 10, 2014

Brooksie: The Jazz Age Musical

For those who haven't already checked it out, well worth visiting is the Swiss website for Brooksie: The Jazz Age Musical. You can even order CD's.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Virtually Forever, a novel featuring Louise Brooks

In the past, I've blogged about Virtually Forever, a new novel which features Louise Brooks as a character. The actress and silent film star appears on the cover of the book, which was published in November of last year. The author of Virtually Forever is Anthony Eames, a former newspaper journalist and television producer-scriptwriter who lives in Australia. Recently, Eames sent me a link to a video interview about the book.

Here is the description of the book from the publisher. "Virtually Forever is a love story with an unusual twist. Michael Stanton has an obsessive interest in the long-dead, hauntingly beautiful silent screen actor, Louise Brooks. Involved in an military program to replicate world leaders in a virtual reality domain, he clandestinely uses this technology to recreate the Jazz Age world of Louise Brooks. Entering it, he appears as a wealthy and mysterious stranger and, soon after meeting Louise, a love affair follows against the backdrop of Hollywood parties and studio politics. Back in the real world, Michael’s colleagues have discovered that there is an unknown intruder in their top-secret computer system. The plot weaves between Michael's tempestuous love affair with Louise and his desperate struggle to safeguard her and her world from annihilation — at any cost."

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Japanese Anime

A while back, my Italian friend Gianluca sent me an email about a Japanese Anime artist. According to this page on the Anime News Network, "Rumiko Takahashi's design for Nabiki Tendo is patterned after silent film actress Louise Brooks (1906-1985)." It is amazing how many comics, cartoons, graphic novels and anime Louise Brooks has inspired. Thank you Gianluca.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Lulu Project, by Bruce Brownlee

The Lulu Project, by Bruce Brownlee. Transformations of photographs of silent film actress Louise Brooks. Created in 2006.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Today: «Loulou», de Pabst, avec Louise Brooks, en version ciné-concert à Strasbourg

Today, at the Festival Musica in Strasbourg, France - Pandora's Box (or LouLou) will be screened. Musical accompaniment by Ensemble Kontraste. More information here and here


En réalisant l’un des derniers grands chefs d’œuvre du cinéma muet, Georg Wilhelm Pabst révéla Louise Brooks autant que l’actrice irradia son film. Musica en donne une version où la musique de Peer Raben, compositeur de la plupart des musiques de film de Rainer Werner Fassbinder, est jouée live par l’ensemble.
Son identification au personnage fut telle qu’elle reste à jamais son incarnation. Louise Brooks, alors âgée de 21 ans, est d’une beauté, d’un naturel, d’une liberté de mouvement, d’un érotisme subversif qui font que sa présence à l’écran sera vécue, à la sortie du film en 1929, comme une provocation. On lui reprocha notamment – c’est un comble ! – de n’être pas actrice, de n’être qu’elle-même, de n’avoir aucune distance avec ce personnage à la fois sulfureux et innocent.
Tiré de deux pièces de Frank Wedekind écrites au tournant du XXe siècle et elles aussi sujettes à scandales, le sujet est dans l’air du temps : Berg débutera l’écriture de son opéra un an avant la sortie du film et s’inspirera des deux mêmes textes : La Boîte de Pandore et L’Esprit de la terre. Si les situations de l’opéra diffèrent un peu de celles du film, la charge tragique et amorale demeure centrale.

Maîtresse fatale des hommes qui l’entourent, voire même des femmes qui l’approchent (la comtesse Geschwitz), Loulou finira son existence à Londres, après plusieurs meurtres et un procès qui l’oblige à fuir, dans les bras de Jack l’Éventreur. Des fastes des salons berlinois aux bas-fonds londoniens, c’est de cette descente aux enfers toujours doublée de fulgurance qu’il s’agit. Pabst, alors totalement obnubilé par son actrice, en donne une vision indépassable.

Le film fut censuré et resta longtemps incomplet, comme l’opéra resta longtemps inachevé ; il aura fallu attendre la toute fin des années soixante-dix pour, dans un cas comme dans l’autre, les apprécier dans leur complétude – 1979 pour l’opéra terminé par Friedrich Cerha, 1980 pour le film, enfin remonté selon les vœux de son réalisateur.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Universal Lulu: Το Κουτί της Πανδώρας-G.W. Pabst

Greek adaption of Pandora's Box, directed by G.W. Pabst and starring Louise Brooks.

Στις 26 Ιανουαρίου κυκλοφορεί σε επανέκδοση από τη New Star, το αριστούργημα του G.W. Pabst, Το κουτί της Πανδώρας.
Μία από τις καλύτερες ταινίες του μεσοπολέμου και μία από τις κλασσικότερες ταινίες όλων των εποχών.
Ένα tour de force κινηματογραφικού ερωτισμού με την αξεπέραστη Louise Brooks

Friday, October 3, 2014

Another "Louise" (Brooks)

Here's another vintage version of "Louise," this one by Bob Haring and His Orchestra. This song and other versions can be heard on RadioLulu. Give a listen at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Forthcoming novel has Louise Brooks character

Louise Brooks is a character in a forthcoming novel, The Roaring Road. The book, whose publication date has not been set, describes itself as "A Story of Adventure and Mayhem on the Highways and Railroads and in the Wineries and Speakeasies of the Roaring Twenties." The picture below comes from the novel's website,, which is worth checking out.

Other Jazz Age entertainment personalities who figure in the book include Wallace Reid - famous silent movie film star, Dorothy Davenport - Wallace Reid's widow, Paul Whiteman - band leader and musician, Billie Dove - lovely silent movie era actress, Douglas Fairbanks - famous movie star, and
W.C. Fields - famous movie star.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The gaze of admiration always lingers on that which is beautiful and distinctive

Here's an interesting clipping I came across at the library. It is a 1926 advertisement from an English-language newspaper from Havana, Cuba. The figure in the ad is a Louise Brooks look-alike. I especially like the text - "the gaze of admiration always lingers on that which is beautiful and distinctive . . . ." Truth is beauty.

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