Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Clara Bow

Finished reading Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild by David Stenn. A good biography, sympathetically told. I would love to see a picture book devoted to her. Clara Bow was so lovely, and such a gifted, natural actress. She is one of my favorite silent film stars.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Trip to Sacramento

Depending on (the war and) how things go, I plan to travel to the California State Library in Sacramento next week. (I live in San Francisco, and Sacramento is about 100 miles away. It's a two hour drive.) This will be my fifth trip to the State Library, which is a major repository of California newspapers on microfilm. To date, I have been able to survey newspapers from most all of the major metropolitan areas in California. (See the various bibliographies for the citations and material that has been collected so far.) On this trip, I hope to dig through the Pasadena Star-News and La Opinion (a Spanish-language newspaper based in Los Angeles) for the period of the mid-to-late 1920's. I will be looking for film reviews and other articles. If there is enough time, I may also look at the papers for Long Beach and Santa Monica.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Site redesign

A comprehensive redesign and site rebuild is underway. (This page is an example of the new look which most every page on the LBS will eventually assume.) The implementation of the rebuild will take some time, as the size of the Louise Brooks Society now stands at more than 200 pages. The intention of this redesign is to give the LBS a more up-to-date look. Also, some outside links - notably the old translation module at the bottom of every page, were no longer functioning. A comprehensive site rebuild will fix broken links, conform site code to current html standards, and give the overall site a cleaner, more contemporary feel.

Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Site update

Just updated is Kansas: For Further Reading, a page on the News of Lulu website.
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