Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lulu, by Samuel Bernstein

Yesterday, I received a copy of Samuel Bernstein's just published book, Lulu a novel. Its out from Walford Press. I've written about this book in the past, on groundhog's day to be exact. Since then, the book's cover has been redesigned and it looks great! I like it. What do you think?

The author describes the book as a non-fiction novel, and it centers on the actress and the period of time around the making of Pandora's Box. There is a bit more info about the book from the publisher here.

I also noticed that the kindle edition of the printed book is now listed on Be sure and check it out. I plan on posting more about this new book in the near future. Here are a couple of early blurbs.

"It's like a scandalous Jackie Collins novel set in the 1920's, but written with the sophisticated wit of a man who in a past life, was surely there to see it all." - Karen McCullah Lutz, screenwriter of Legally Blonde, The Ugly Truth and House Bunny as well as bestselling author of The Bachelorette Party.
"In his follow up to the wonderful Mr. Confidential Samuel Bernstein brilliantly brings actress Louise Brooks to life in this evocative non-fiction novel that blends both fact and fiction in a way that will keep readers turning pages and begging for more. - Julie Kenner, bestselling author of Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom and The Prada Paradox.


Meredith Grau said...

How exciting! I like the cover. It is sexy and intriguing at the same time. Louise's caricatured face looks, for once, flawed, and this hints that we will get to see a side of her we haven't before.

Unknown said...

Love the redesigned cover. I'm intrigued--it's officially added to my book wish list.

Anonymous said...

oh wow!!!i want all the books on Lulu!!! too bad she is not alive anymore otherwise i would love to meet here!! but she is in our hearts and least in mine (=

Anonymous said...

*her* by the way,nice cover picture,it looks just like me but with my short hair

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