Saturday, March 4, 2023

New Louise Brooks graphic novel forthcoming - Dark Star: Louise Brooks in Berlin

Louise Brooks has been the subject of a number of comic strips and graphic novels over the years, from the long running Dixie Dugan / Show Girl strip beginning in the 1920s to Valentina in the 1960s and Louise Brooks Detective in 2015. There have been others. The latest is Shane Filer's Dark Star: Louise Brooks in Berlin, which is due out later this year. 

Here is some info from the author's press release.


A new graphic novel featuring iconic silent film star Louise Brooks is set to launch on Kickstarter in April/May. "Dark Star: Louise Brooks in Berlin" is written by Shane Filer and illustrated by Aulia Rachmatulloh.

This four-issue series takes readers on a wild ride through the life of one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century, Louise Brooks. Set in 1920s Berlin, Louise drifts through a single night, seeking a mysterious gift and encountering the city's present and future inhabitants. Through flashbacks of her past and flash-forwards into the unknown, Louise confronts herself and the demons that have haunted her throughout her life.

This is not a biography, nor is it entirely fiction, rather a darkly re-imagined biographical fairy tale. "Artists use lies to tell the truth," Alan Moore famously wrote, and "Dark Star" aims to do just that.

Shane Filer, the writer behind "Dark Star," previously published a novel (Exit) and wrote scripts for the long-running UK comic "Commando." One of his issues in this most male dominated comic, featured a very rare female heroine based visually upon Louise Brooks and brought to life by veteran Spanish comic book artist Carlos Pino.

Filer aims to tell compelling stories that resonate with readers, taking inspiration from comic classics like "Love and Rockets," "Maus," and "Concrete," along with influential comic book writers like Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, authors like Haruki Murakami, Milan Kundera, and filmmakers like David Lynch, and Michelangelo Antonioni.

Illustrator Aulia Rachmatulloh, a talented Indonesian animator and artist, brings the story to life with beautiful, detailed artwork that fits the era. Art assistance is provided by artists Alessandro Saccotelli and Samuele Giannicola.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the life of the iconic Louise Brooks in this unique graphic novel series. Support "Dark Star: Louise Brooks in Berlin" on Kickstarter, coming this April/May.

For more information, sign up to the project's newsletter.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  ( Original contents copyright © 2023. Further unauthorized use prohibited.


Karen said...

Interesting! It's good to know that Louise Brooks is still being remembered!

Anonymous said...

I love the double reference in the heel click by Louise - not just the stated ref to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but also the old German heelclick as a sign of respect!

Anonymous said...

Is it out yet? Can’t find it 😢

Louise Brooks Society said...

Seems to have been held up -- not sure why.

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