Sunday, July 26, 2020

In need of some Louise Brooks related images

I am in need of better, high-resolution scans of the following images. Can anyone help? The first comes from Belgium, and is the cover (I believe though am not certain), of a program for a showing of Le journal d'une fille perdue (The Diary of a Lost Girl). The image dates to circa 1960, and is by Serge Creuz, a Belgian artist / illustrator. Does anyone have a better image, or know exactly from when it dates?

The second is sheet music for "Zasu", a 1929 song penned by Jaroslav Ježek, a famed Czech composer. Does anyone have a better scan of this image?

The third is an Italian magazine named Maschietta dating from May 1926. Does anyone have a better scan ? And can anyone confirm the date of publication?

The forth is another magazine cover, an Italian magazine called La Cinematografia. It dates to the late 1920s. Does anyone have a bigger/better scan ? Or know the exact date of publication?

Additionally, does anyone know when this French publication, Mon Film, dates from? I think it is from 1930. Another thing, an earlier issue I have of Mon Film from December 1929 is priced at 5 francs. Why would this one be priced at only 1 franc?

Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated! Oops, I forgot to add this book cover,for Thomas Koebner's Halbnah, a German publication.

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