Thursday, April 14, 2016

Television series, Hollywood and the Stars

I came across this early 1963 newspaper advertisement for the short-lived television series, Hollywood and the Stars, narrated by Joseph Cotten. A little digging led me to discover the series is available on YouTube. I love documentary histories of Hollywood, and the earlier the better: older histories of early Hollywood are especially revealing, as perceptions of the past change as well. THis series and other like it are really about how Hollywood sees itself, and in the early 1960's, it really didn't see the silent film era.

Here is the embedded video to the one of the episodes, "Hollywood & the Stars: The Wild and Wonderful Thirties." Look it up on YouTube to find the rest. The series doesn't seem to have covered the silent era, but did look at early comedians and horror films and a handful of contemporary actors, as well as the period after the coming of sound.

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