Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

As mentioned in my previous post, I come across a lot of interesting material while researching Louise Brooks and her films. One item, pictured here, made an impression. I thought it moving, though a little sad.

And, as it is a kind of send-off or good-bye, I also thought it might make a good post for the final day of the year. "Auld Lang Syne."

This newspaper advertisement, for the Sonora Theatre in the Sonora, California, dates from November, 1927. As can be seen in the ad, the theatre was showing Paradise for Two (staring Richard Dix) on November 26th, and The Midnight Sun (starring Laura LaPlante) on November 27 and 28th. [My apologies for any difficulty in reading this ad. But that is how photocopies off microfilm often look.]

What struck me about this clipping was the personal message from the manager of the Sonora Theatre. "This is our closing program" notes that the manager, A.G. Clapp, was leaving and would no longer conduct this theatre.

Obviously, A.G. Clapp loved his job - and he loved presenting movies to the people of Sonora and Tuolumme County.

I don't know why the manager left, but I did notice that the Sonora Theatre closed not long after this advertisement ran in the local paper. Whatever the case, its sad when you stop doing what you love doing. I think that is why A.G. Clapp said goodbye, in the form of a newspaper advertisement.

[The Sonora Theatre never showed any Louise Brooks' films, as far as I have been able to tell. All of her films that did show in Sonora did so at the Star Theatre.]

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