Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mike Doughty, Musician

Mike Doughty should be familiar to fans of Louise Brooks. The alt-rock singer-songwriter fronted the great alt-rock ("deep slacker jazz") group Soul Coughing in the 1990's. In 1998, they released El Oso, which contained "St. Louise is Listening," a musical homage to Louise Brooks. It's also well known that Doughty sports a tattoo of the actress on his arm. 

Doughty is now a solo musician, and as I understand it, on tour promoting his new album, Golden Delicious. There was an interview with the musician on the Gothamist website. In the interview, the musician is asked

On the album El Oso, there’s a song called "St. Louise is Listening." Who is St. Louise?

Louise Brooks, the silent film star. 'The Eskimo' mentioned in the second verse is a real character from her life, a Parisian faux-aristocrat.
If you have a chance, check him out on tour. Or check out his website at  [I have never met the musician, though I did communicate with him via email a number of years ago while Soul Coughing was around. He seems like a fine fellow. And I like his music. The Louise Brooks Society was even one of his top friends on his Myspace page.]

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