Friday, December 3, 2004

German silent films with a gay theme on sale at Kino

"Kino proudly presents a truly eye-opening collection of gay-themed German silent films, available for the first time on DVD.  Richard Oswald's Different from the Others (1919), Carl Theodor Dreyer's Michael (1924), and William Dieterle's Sex in Chains (1928) are all landmarks in the cinematic depiction of homosexuality.  And -- no surprise -- all three pictures were variously banned, censored, or purposely removed from the public eye.  But now they're out of the closet and on DVD in restored versions." Also included in this special offering is G.W. Pabst's Diary of a Lost Girl (1929), which is available available on DVD and VHS.

These "Gay-themed Silents" are available at a hefty discount from Kino. For further info and to order, see

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