Saturday, February 2, 2013

‘The Chaperone’ heads to the big screen

As readers of this blog know, Laura Moriarty's exceptional novel, The Chaperone, involves a character based on Louise Brooks.

Now comes word that Fox Searchlight has selected Simon Curtis to direct The Chaperone with Downton Abbey’s Elizabeth McGovern starring, to be scripted by Julian Fellowes, also of Downton Abbey.

For more on this story, see and other news outlets.

For more on Louise Brooks and Downton Abbey, see an earlier LBS blog.


Anonymous said...

Simon Curtis: McGovern's husband. "Known for" My Week with Marilyn [My=Laurance Oliver?!], David Copperfield ;-) (IMDb). Also did a remake of The Lost World.

Louise Brooks Society said...

Graham Fuller's piece in ArtInfo, "Louise Brooks and Her Chaperone to Get the "Downton Abbey" Treatment" at

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