Thursday, September 30, 2010

She is everywhere, and she is "fearless"

This collage image featuring the one and only Louise Brooks seems to be showing up everywhere. 

Last week, a friend who lives in Portland, Oregon sent me snapshot of it taken in a local store window. And yesterday, my wife brought me home a postcard with the image which she bought in a store in Petaluma, California. 

Earlier, I also noticed it on a handbag or some such item in a store window not far from where I live in the Noe Valley neighborhood of San Francisco.

The image, which is copyrighted 2010, is the work of a design collective known as Papayaart. And in fact, if you visit their stylish website at you will see that they use a variant of this image on their homepage. It's an effective image - and one easily applied to various products. According to their website, their designs and products are distributed all around the world.

I like the image. I also noticed a collaged image of Ruth St. Denis on their website.


Flapper Flickers + Silent Stanzas said...

I like it!

Unknown said...

love it... great image and great website / shop!
do check it out...

vincent, in buffalo (new site launching...!)

Emily said...

I ordered a couple of cards and a hardbound journal with that collage, which was featured on the cover of Somerset Studio a couple of months ago. I too would recommend the shop...really enjoying all of its offerings!

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